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University Duisburg-Essen

Bucerius Ph.D. Fellow

“How one fights” - Strategic (non)violent Resistance in Revolutionary Situations


The three-part cumulative Ph.D. project addresses different blind spots of current research on nonviolent resistance (NVR). Whereas most studies end with the ousting of a dictator, this study addresses the neglected long-term effects of NVR. Does peaceful resistance in democratic transitions affect the chance of democratic survival? Or in the words: Does how we choose to fight determine what we win? If so, understanding the basics of NVR becomes extremely relevant. This Ph.D. therefore also focusses on answering the intertwined questions “why do collective actors choose violent strategies to push their demands for democracy?” and “why and at which stage do they decide to resign from violence in favor of nonviolence?”

Markus Bayer was born in 1983 in Frankfurt/Main (Germany). After alternative service he began his study of Political Sciences and History at the J. W. Goethe University Frankfurt. In 2006 he moved to Marburg to study Political Sciences, Sociology and Peace and Conflict Studies. He ended his studies with distinction in 2009. After a short period as outdoor guide in Sweden, he became research assistant in the sub-project „Cultural categorization and social Conflicts. Interdisciplinary and theoretical Perspectives on Neuroscience and Conflict Studies“at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy in Marburg. From October 2011 to December 2014 he was research assistant in the DFG-funded research project „Why do states collapse?“ at the University of Duisburg-Essen.

Bayer, Markus (2012): Koversion ist machbar, in: Wissenschaft und Frieden, 3/12, S. 53-56.

Bayer, Markus (2010): Mittels Gewalt – Warum der Kongo keinen Frieden findet, Tectum, Marburg.


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